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Confidential Computing LinuxONE Workshop

Welcome to our Confidential Computing LinuxONE workshop. Organizations can leverage secure execution to protect Linux® workloads on IBM Z and LinuxONE. This workshop will cover how to get started with this technology on-premises using Hyper Protect Virtual Servers 2.1.x.


Introductory Presentations

Lab: Build and Deploy a GREP11 Server Using Hyper Protect Virtual Servers 2.1.x

In this lab, you will deploy a Hyper Protect Virtual Servers 2.1.x GREP11 instance and connect to it to secure your transactions. 1

Workshop authors

  1. For the purposes of this lab, you are fulfilling the requirements of a fictional organization. These requirements could change for your specific organization but would follow a similar pattern with different specifics. 

Last update: June 16, 2023
Created: February 4, 2023