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IBM Cloud-based labs

This is a set of four labs that will introduce the student to IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers for Virtual Private Cloud.

We will often refer to this service throughout these labs with the shorthand of Hyper Protect Virtual Servers. This service is based on IBM's Secure Execution for Linux technology, which is IBM's strategic foundation for implementing confidential computing within the IBM Z and LinuxONE brands.

There is an earlier version of Hyper Protect Virtual Servers that is based on an older, but still viable, technology called Secure Service Containers and is still available in IBM Cloud as a service named Hyper Protect Virtual Server for Classic.

This lab focuses on the newer, strategic IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Servers for Virtual Private Cloud service, so our shorthand of Hyper Protect Virtual Servers should be interpreted as a reference to the newer service. References to the earlier service will be explicitly referred to as IBM Hyper Protect Virtual Server for Classic.

Last update: November 10, 2023
Created: June 2, 2023