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Create a public gateway

You need a public gateway so that the Hyper Protect Virtual Servers for IBM Cloud VPC instances that you will create in the labs can send log messages to your IBM Log Analysis instance which is running outside of your VPC.

  1. Click the Public gateways link on the left and you should see that you currently have no public gateways defined.

  2. Click the blue Create button in the upper right:

Choose the correct geography (not shown in the screen snippet below), region, and zone. Give your public gateway a name, we've chosen lab-was-pubgw. Ensure that your virtual private cloud is selected, and then click the blue Create button.

As shown below, you'll be shown your new public gateway. Note that in the Attached subnet column there is no entry. You need to attach a subnet to this public gateway. To do so, click the vertical dots icon on the right and choose the Attach popup menu item, as indicated here:

Ensure that your subnet is selected and click the blue Attach button:

You should see that your subnet is now attached to your public gateway:

Click the Next link at the lower right to go to your next task, which is to create an IBM Log Analysis instance.

Last update: June 6, 2023
Created: June 2, 2023