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Create contract for HPVS guest

Overview of this section

IBM provides the Secure Execution feature on z15 and newer generations of its IBM Z and LinuxONE servers. Currently, that's z15 and LinuxONE III for the "z15" generation and z16 and LinuxONE Emperor 4 for the "z16" generation.

You could create your own Secure Execution-enabled KVM guests and run a workload in it without Hyper Protect Virtual Servers 2.1.x. However, there's non-trivial work involved in setting this up. HPVS 2.1.x has done that hard work for you, and provided a KVM guest image that will run your application workload as an OCI-compliant (again, think "Docker" in the popular vernacular) container within the HPVS 2.1.x KVM guest. There is still some work involved in setting up the contract that HPVS 2.1.x expects- but this is work closer to the application or business level. There is also added value in HPVS 2.1.x in areas such as:

  • logging
  • attestation
  • verification during boot
  • encryption
  • persistent disk protection
  • separation of duties

This lab covers the features that are checked in the list above. (We won't rest on our laurels until we've built this lab out to cover everything under the sun, but, as the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day).

One of the things we just mentioned in the previous paragraph was separation of duties. In a real world situation, multiple personas could create different portions of the contract:

  • an application owner deployer might create the workload section of the contract
  • a systems administrator might create the environment section of the contract

Then, you could imagine the following scenario taking place:

  1. application owner can encrypt their piece of the contract such that it can only be decrypted within the HPVS 2.1.x runtime
  2. application owner passes their encrypted piece of the contract to the systems administrator
  3. the systems administrator encrypts their own section
  4. the systems administrator combines the two sections and signs the resultant contract so that it can be verified by the HPVS 2.1.x runtime.

Your inquiring mind may say, well that's all well and good, but what about the disk storage of the machine?

If your workload requires persistent disk storage (to survive a container restart) then each of the two personas supplies part of a seed that is used in the calculation of an encryption key for the persistent disk. Neither persona has knowledge of the other's part of the seed if it is passed between parties encrypted, so that no human has the ability to decrypt the persistent disk. The HPVS developers have thought through security very carefully! 🤓

Now this lab does not include all of the above features- for example, in this lab we are not using persistent disk storage. And for this lab, you have and will continue to wear many hats, including both the application owner workload deployer and the system administrator environment deployer, performing many roles that in the "real world" are likely to be delegated to multiple individuals. We are not going to cover attestation in this lab either, but hope to do so in a future lab.

Creation of directory structure for contract

This section starts where the last section left off- on your session with the RHEL host:

Create a directory structure for creating an HPVS 2.1.x contract:

mkdir -p ${HOME}/paynowLab/contract/{environment/rsyslog,workload/play}

Now see the directory structure you just created:

cd ${HOME} && tree paynowLab/contract
Expected output from tree command
  [student03@bczkvm( ~ [12:23:58] (0)]$ tree paynowLab/contract
  ├── environment
  │   └── rsyslog
  └── workload
      └── play

  4 directories, 0 files

Read about the directory structure and the purpose of each directory:

Directory Purpose
paynowLab/contract Top-level directory for the contract for the PayNow application. Typically, the "workload deployer" signs the concatenation of the encrypted "environment" section that they create and the encrypted "workload" section that the "workload provider" creates.
environment Used by the "workload deployer" persona to hold an encrypted environment section of the contract
rsyslog Used to hold the artifacts needed to construct the logging subsection of the environment section
workload Used by the "workload provider" to hold an encrypted workload section of the contract
play Used to hold the pod descriptor file specifying the application image and supporting files

A contract requires a workload section and an environment section, and they each get their own directory. Then the sections are packaged together, and signed, and the signature is added as the third section. This final result- the contract- will be stored in your ${HOME}/paynowLab/contract directory.

While creating the contract in this lab, you will be performing the role of workload provider and workload deployer. In most production scenarios these two roles would be performed by different persons or processes. The following diagram shows at a high level how these two roles cooperate to form the contract:

flowchart LR
  A["Workload provider
  workload section"];
  B["Workload deployer
  environment section"]
  C["Workload provider
  gives workload section
  to Workload deployer"]
  A --> C
  D["Workload deployer
  signs combined
  environment and
  workload sections"]
  B --> D
  C --> D

Create workload section of the contract

HPVS expects the contract to specify an OCI container specified by a Docker Compose file or pod descriptor(s). A Docker Compose file specifies an OCI image to run and other information necessary to configure the resulting container. A pod descriptor works much the same way but Hyper Protect supports using one or more OCI images with a pod descriptor as opposed to one image with a Docker Compose file. Since this makes pod descriptors more versatile, we will be using the new hotness, pod descriptors, in our lab as opposed to the the OG Docker Compose file format. Having said that, both are currently valid. Your workload is the PayNow Demo. You created an OCI image for that on your standard KVM guest earlier in the lab. In order to allow you to perform the lab without having to have an account at Docker or or another image registry service, the instructors have created an OCI image that is hosted in and is used for this section of the lab. This OCI image was created in the exact same way you created the image on your standard KVM guest.

Create play subsection

Switch to the directory that will hold your pod descriptors:

cd ${HOME}/paynowLab/contract/workload/play

Play time

The pod descriptors use the play subsection which should conjure up thoughts of the podman play kube subcommand.

Create the pod descriptor:

cat << EOF > pod.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: paynow
  - name: paynow
    - containerPort: 8443
      hostPort: 8443
  restartPolicy: Always

Notice the value of the image key. This is the PayNow Demo image created by the instructor and hosted on Red Hat's registry service.

Add a convenience script to create the workload section

You are almost finished with the workload section. One thing to do is to add a convenience script to the workload directory. This script is not supplied with the product, but is very useful in the creation of the contract. Create it now and feel free to peruse it but do not run it now. It will be called later by another script. Comments have been added to help explain what the script does.

Switch directories:

cd ${HOME}/paynowLab/contract/workload/

Create the convenience script:

cat <<-EOF > flow.workload
# Create the workload section of the contract and add the contents in the workload.yaml file.

# The pod descriptor and all supporting configuration files are assumed to be in the ./play directory
# There should not be any unnecessary files as they will get tarred up and added to the PLAY_B64 variable
PLAY_B64=\$(tar -czv -C play . | base64 -w0)

# This specifies an intermediate file that could be deleted at the end of the script but 
# is left intact for lab learning purposes-  it is plaintext so keeping it implies that
# you would have to protect it appropriately.  In production you'll probably want to delete it

# This specifies a file will be encrypted and signed and is the primary output of this script.  
# It is combined with the encrypted and signed environment section that is created by 
# another script (flow.signature which is one directory level higher)
# Note: this file will also wind up one directory level higher

echo "  type: workload
    archive: \${PLAY_B64}" > \${WORKLOAD_PLAIN}

# This is the encryption certificate for Hyper Protect Container Runtime and it is
# provided with the Hyper Protect Virtual Servers v2.1.7.1 product

# This variable holds a random password:
PASSWORD_WORKLOAD="\$(openssl rand 32 | base64 -w0)"

# This variable holds the output of the command pipe that
# takes your plaintext workload yaml ($WORKLOAD_PLAIN) and encrypts it using the password that 
# was generated above ($PASSWORD_WORKLOAD) and then base64 encodes this encrypted workload
# As long as nobody else knows your random password ($PASSWORD_WORKLOAD) your data is safe.  
# But, the Hyper Protect Container Runtime has to encrypt it, so it needs your password. 
# How will it get that password securely?  Read the next set of comment lines to find out.
ENCRYPTED_WORKLOAD="\$(echo -n "\$PASSWORD_WORKLOAD" | base64 -d | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -pass stdin -in "\$WORKLOAD_PLAIN" | base64 -w0)"

# This variable provides secure passage of your random password.  How?  
# It encrypts it with the encryption key of the Hyper Protect Container Runtime (HPCR).
# (A key that is encrypted by another key is often called a wrapped key).
# Only the HPCR image has the private key which can decrypt this. It is protected from 
# access from any administrators.  So, malicious actors cannot do anything with this
# wrapped key, even if they were able to get a hold of it.
ENCRYPTED_WORKLOAD_PASSWORD="\$(echo -n "\$PASSWORD_WORKLOAD" | base64 -d | openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey \$CONTRACT_KEY -certin | base64 -w0 )"

# Use the following command to get the encrypted section of the contract:
# This variable holds the output of a concatenation of a header, "hyper-protect-basic",
# Your wrapped key, and your encrypted workload. 

# The above variable is echoed to the a file the directory one level above

# NOTE: In a production scenario the plaintext workload section would be 
# deleted or stored securely but it has been left here for student perusal.  
# The filename is workload.yaml.plaintext

Create environment section of the contract

  1. Change to the directory where you will prepare for environment section of the contract:

    cd ../environment
  2. In the environment section of the contract you are going to specify the information in order to have your HPVS KVM Guest log to the rsyslog service that you configured earlier in the lab.

    1. Switch to the directory from where you will gather some files you will need for this rsyslog configuration:

      cd rsyslog
    2. You will need the CA certificate of the rsyslog service that you created on your Ubuntu KVM guest which you can get via scp:

      scp student@${StudentGuestIP}:x509Work/rsyslog/CA/ca.crt .
    3. Copy your rsyslog client certificate from your working directory:

      cp -ipv ${HOME}/paynowLab/x509Work/rsyslogClient/paynowLab-client.crt .
    4. Convert the private key to PKCS#8 format

      The directory you just copied the client certificate from also has your private key that you need. However, the HPCR image requires this to be in PKCS#8 (Public Key Cryptography Standard #8) format. Therefore you can't just copy it over- you need to convert it to PKCS#8 format:

      openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt \
          -in ${HOME}/paynowLab/x509Work/rsyslogClient/client-key.pem \
          -out client-key-pkcs8.pem
    5. Go back up one directory level:

      cd .. && pwd
    6. We have provided a convenience script to assist in creating the environment section of the contract

      This script is not supplied with the product, but is very useful in the creation of the contract. Create it now and feel free to peruse it but do not run it now. It will be called later by another script. Comments have been added to help explain what the script does.

      cat <<-EOF > flow.env
      # Create the env section of the contract and add the contents in the env.yaml file.
      # set some file locations at the top of the file here
      # This specifies an intermediate file that could be deleted at the end of the script but 
      # is left intact for lab learning purposes-  it is plaintext so keeping it implies that
      # you would have to protect it appropriately.  In production you'll probably want to delete it
      # This specifies a file will be encrypted and signed and is the primary output of this script.  
      # It is combined with the encrypted and signed workload section that is created by 
      # another script (flow.signature which is one directory level higher)
      # Note: this file will also wind up one directory level higher
      # This variable holds the output of taking all the newlines out of the rsyslog CA certificate and
      # replacing them with the "\n" characters.  In other words, a multiple line file is squashed down 
      # to one line.  The HPCR runtime image will then convert it back to the multiple line format
      ENV_RSYSLOG_SERVER=\$(awk -vRS="\n" -vORS="\\\\\n" '1' \${RSYSLOG_CA_CRT})
      # This variable holds the output of taking all the newlines out of the client certificate that the
      # HPCR runtime uses for communicating with rsyslog and replacing them with the "\n" characters.
      # In other words, a multiple line file is squashed down to one line. THe HPCR runtime image will 
      # then convert it back to the multiple line format
      ENV_RSYSLOG_CERT=\$(awk -vRS="\n" -vORS="\\\\\n" '1' \${RSYSLOG_CLIENT_CRT})
      # This variable holds the output of taking all the newlines out of the client private key that the
      # HPCR runtime uses for communicating with rsyslog and replacing them with the "\n" characters.
      # In other words, a multiple line file is squashed down to one line. THe HPCR runtime image will 
      # then convert it back to the multiple line format. Before this all happens, the Private Key is 
      # converted to PKCS#8 format
      ENV_RSYSLOG_KEY=\$(awk -vRS="\n" -vORS="\\\\\n" '1'  \${RSYSLOG_CLIENT_KEY})
      echo "  type: env
            hostname: \"\${StudentGuestIP}\"
            port: 6514
            server: \"\${ENV_RSYSLOG_SERVER}\"
            cert: \"\${ENV_RSYSLOG_CERT}\"
            key: \"\${ENV_RSYSLOG_KEY}\"" >\${ENV_PLAIN}
      # This command adds the public signing key to the plaintext environment yaml.  This key is used inside 
      # the Hyper Protect Container Runtime image to verify the signature over workload and environment sections of
      # the contract. 
      cat ./pubSigningKey.yaml >> \${ENV_PLAIN}
      # This is the encryption certificate for Hyper Protect Container Runtime and it is
      # provided with the Hyper Protect Virtual Servers v2.1.7.1 product
      # This variable holds a random password:
      PASSWORD_ENV="\$(openssl rand 32 | base64 -w0)"
      # This variable holds the output of the command pipe that
      # takes your plaintext environment yaml (\$ENV_PLAIN) and encrypts it using the password that 
      # was generated above (\$PASSWORD_ENV) and then base64 encodes this encrypted environment yaml
      # As long as nobody else knows your random password (\$PASSWORD_ENV) your data is safe.  
      # But, the Hyper Protect Container Runtime has to encrypt it, so it needs your password. 
      # How will it get that password securely?  Read the next set of comment lines to find out.
      ENCRYPTED_ENV="\$(echo -n "\$PASSWORD_ENV" | base64 -d | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -pass stdin -in "\$ENV_PLAIN" | base64 -w0)"
      # This variable provides secure passage for your random password.  How?  
      # It encrypts it with the encryption key of the Hyper Protect Container Runtime (HPCR).
      # (A key that is encrypted by another key is often called a wrapped key).
      # Only the HPCR image has the private key which can decrypt this. It is protected from 
      # access from any administrators.  So, malicious actors cannot do anything with this
      # wrapped key, even if they were able to get a hold of it.
      ENCRYPTED_ENV_PASSWORD="\$(echo -n "\$PASSWORD_ENV" | base64 -d | openssl rsautl -encrypt -inkey \$CONTRACT_KEY -certin | base64 -w0 )"
      # Use the following command to get the encrypted environment section of the contract:
      # This variable holds the output of a concatenation of a header, "hyper-protect-basic",
      # Your wrapped key, and your encrypted environment yaml.. 
      # The above variable writes the encrypted environment section to the directory one level above
      echo "\$ENV_ENCRYPTED" > ../\$ENV
  3. Backup one more directory level:

    cd ..
  4. You will create three more files that are convenience scripts, similar to flow.workload and flow.env which you have already created:

    1. The first script will provide some preparation steps. Create it, peruse it, love it, but don't run it yet:

      cat << EOF > flow.prepare
      # Use the following command to generate a key pair to sign the contract 
      openssl genrsa -aes128 -passout pass:test1234 -out private.pem 4096
      openssl rsa -in private.pem -passin pass:test1234 -pubout -out public.pem
      # The following command is an example of how you can get the signing key:
      key=\$(awk -vRS="\n" -vORS="\\\\\n" '1' public.pem)
      echo "  signingKey: \"\${key%\\\\n}\"" > environment/pubSigningKey.yaml
    2. Create the second script which signs the concatenated workload and environment sections of the contract and then appends the signature as the third and final element of the contract. Don't run it yet!

      cat << EOF > flow.signature
      # combine workload and environment
      cat workload.yaml env.yaml | tr -d '\n' > contract.yaml
      # Sign the combination from workload and env being approved
      echo \$( cat contract.yaml | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign private.pem -passin pass:test1234 | openssl enc -base64) | tr -d ' ' > signature.yaml
      # Create user data and add signature:
      echo "workload: \$(cat workload.yaml)
      env: \$(cat env.yaml)
      envWorkloadSignature: \$(cat signature.yaml)" > user_data.yaml
      echo ""
      echo "import \`pwd\`/user_data.yaml into User Data or copy and paste from below:"
      echo ""
      cat user_data.yaml
    3. This script isn't strictly necessary for the lab for reasons stated in the comments in the script, but you can create it anyway:

      cat << EOF > flow.clear
      # It isn't really necessary to run this in our lab environment 
      # because the other scripts will happily trod on these files 
      # as necessary.
      # It is more likely that you would run this after running the
      # other scripts in order to remove these files for security
      # reasons
      # But if you ever had a need to save your signing key pair, 
      # you would want to save private.pem somewhere safe.
      rm private.pem public.pem
      rm environment/pubSigningKey.yaml environment/env.yaml.plaintext
      rm workload/workload.yaml.plaintext
      rm env.yaml workload.yaml contract.yaml signature.yaml user_data.yaml

Encrypt and sign the contract

  1. Create a final helper script which calls the flow.* scripts you created earlier:

    cat << EOF > makeContract
    . ./flow.prepare
    cd workload
    . ./flow.workload
    cd ../environment
    . ./flow.env
    cd ..
    . ./flow.signature
  2. Now run the helper script that you just created:

    . ./makeContract

The script creates the final contract in a file named user_data.yaml. It also displays the contents of this file to the screen. At the bottom of the output you will see an envWorkloadSignature key. If there is a gobbledygook value (base64-encoded text) associated with this key then things went well.

Create the startup file for the HPVS KVM guest

  1. Create a copy of the user_data.yaml file that your created

    The contract that you just created is going to be packaged with some other files into a startup file for your HPVS KVM guest that will run the PayNow demo. One of the files expected is a file named user-data that is just a copy of the user_data.yaml file that was just created

    cp -ipv user_data.yaml user-data

    Why didn't the script just do the above copy for me

    We kept user-data intact in case something went wrong in the process, in which case user_data.yaml may be rubbish but at least you haven't trampled on a good user-data that might already be in use.

  2. Create vendor-data which is another file required by the process:

    cat << EOF > vendor-data
    - default
  3. Create meta-data which is also required, and it will have a hostname tailored for your userid:

    cat << EOF > meta-data
    local-hostname: $(whoami)-paynowdemo
  4. Run this command (RHEL-specific, see product documentation for Ubuntu command) in order to create the startup file, ciiso.iso:

    genisoimage -output /var/lib/libvirt/images/labs/paynow/$(whoami)/ciiso.iso \
        -volid cidata -joliet -rock user-data meta-data vendor-data

    Your output will look like this:

    Output from genisoimage command
    I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
    Total translation table size: 0
    Total rockridge attributes bytes: 414
    Total directory bytes: 0
    Path table size(bytes): 10
    Max brk space used 0
    203 extents written (0 MB)

Please click the Next link at the bottom of the page to continue with the lab.

Last update: January 2, 2024
Created: April 25, 2023