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Clean up the resources you created during the lab

All of the work in this section is performed on the RHEL 8.5 host:

You should already be logged in to it if you have been following this lab in order.

Shut down your HPVS 2.1.x guest that was running PayNow demo

suffix=$(temp=$(whoami) && echo ${temp: -2}) ;\
sudo virsh shutdown paynowse${suffix} 

Shut down your standard Ubuntu KVM guest

Enter this command to shut down your standard Ubuntu KVM guest:

sudo virsh shutdown $(whoami)

Delete the core dumps in the home directory of your userid on the RHEL 8.5 host:

cd ${HOME} && rm -vf core.*

Log out of the RHEL host:


Thank you for cleaning up and congratulations on finishing the PayNow Lab! We hope you enjoyed it and learned from it and we welcome your feedback on how to make it better.

If you haven't yet taken the GREP11 with CENA4SEE Lab, consider doing that lab now.

If you have an IBM Cloud account, you are free at any time to do the IBM Cloud-based labs which are available from the Next link at the lower right of this page. Please read the instructions carefully and be aware that your IBM Cloud account may incur modest charges as a result of doing those labs.

Last update: December 11, 2023
Created: February 24, 2023