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Run OCI image

You will be performing this section from your Ubuntu KVM guest.

Your window or tab should like like this (unless you customized the profile we provided you):

List your OCI image

Run this command to see the OCI image that you created, as well as an image (node:19) that was pulled down and used as the base image of your paynow:latest image:

docker images

Your output will look like this:

Example output
REPOSITORY   TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED              SIZE
paynow       latest    fd801119534e   About a minute ago   934MB
node         19        f2e8386523b1   3 months ago         926MB

Run the OCI image

Run this command to start the PayNow app as a Docker container:

CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -itd --rm -p 8443:8443 paynow)

The above command should have produced no visible output. That is because we assigned the output of the docker run... command to the environment variable CONTAINER_ID instead of letting the output go to your terminal. The output is simply the unique identifier Docker assigned to the container.

This next command will show you the container ID:


You will see output similar to this- 64 hex characters- but it will be different than the example shown here:

Example Container ID

Note: If your output from above is different in format, then it is probably an error message and you should seek help from an instructor if necessary.

Now you can display the log messages from your container with this command:

docker logs ${CONTAINER_ID}

You should see the following messages which indicate that the PayNow application successfully started:

Log messages from starting the PayNow app
> hyper-protect-pay-now@1.0.0 start
> node app.js

Please click Next on the bottom right of the page to continue.

Last update: October 11, 2023
Created: April 25, 2023