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Welcome to the Secure Bitcoin Wallet on IBM LinuxONE


This application is a secure Electrum Bitcoin wallet found at this GitHub repository. You can use it to store the identities necessary to transact on the Bitcoin public blockchain network. While this version of the wallet is just a proof of concept, running this type of wallet on Hyper Protect enables you to protect your digital assets from bad actors such as malicious server administrators.


This Electrum Bitcoin wallet functions regularly, while inheriting the security benefits of the Hyper Protect Virtual Server platform. This ensures that a legitimate version of the application is running (Secure Image Build process) and that administrators cannot compromise the application (Hyper Protect Virtual Server deployment).

Account Registration

Registering a fake account for lab purposes.

  1. Choose Register since you won't have an existing account on the newly deployed server.

    Secure Bitcoin Wallet Welcome

  2. Enter the registration details you desire.

    User Registration


    Do not worry about the information you enter on the registration page shown above as it won't map to anything. You just need your password to log back in if you log out of the application.

Wallet initialization

It's time to set up your Secure Electrum Bitcoin wallet itself! ⚡

  1. Bring up the wallet screen

    Wallet Start

  2. Enter in a password for your wallet and click Create Wallet

    Create Wallet

  3. Load your newly created wallet to enable it

    Load Wallet

  4. Reload the page.

    Initialized Wallet

  5. Your wallet is ready for use in all of its glory 👼

    Locked and Loaded Wallet

Receiving Bitcoins

A wallet without currency is blasphemy, so it's time to fill it on up with fake bitcoins.

  1. Go to the Receive section of the wallet and get the bitcoin wallet address.

    Wallet receiving bitcoin


    This is the address whose allotted bitcoins you lay claim to.

  2. Open this bitcoin test faucet site [click on the link] and use it to transfer bitcoin value to the Receiving address in your wallet from step 1 above.

    Transfer Bitcoins


    Instead of transacting on the "real" bitcoin blockchain network, we are using a testnet. This means that the network participants agree that the assets on the network have no value. Testnets are used for testing changes to the network, testing applications and introducing new users to the technical aspects of network. There are testnets for many of the public blockchain networks including of course bitcoin and ethereum. Test faucets (like the one we are using) act as distributors of tokens to other users on the testnet.

  3. Switch back to your wallet tab and go to the History section and then reload the page.

    Check History

  4. You should now see your wallet address as the recipient of a pending transaction from the bitcoin testnet faucet.

    First Transaction History

  5. After clicking for more information you get a detailed transaction overview

    Receive Transaction 0 Confirmations


    The number of confirmations a block receives is the number of blocks deep the block that has included the blockchain transaction is. In other words, 1 confirmation means that the current head block includes the transaction. 2 confirmations means that the current head block's parent block contains the transaction and so on. The deeper the transaction is (more confirmations it has) the more mining power it would take to "reverse history" and undo the transaction.

    Since there are 0 confirmations in the picture above, it means that the transaction is not yet included in a block. This is why it has no timestamp yet and its block number is listed as 0.

  6. After waiting anywhere from a minute to a few minutes (depending on the current testnet traffic) you should see a confirmation on your transaction.


    You will need to keep reloading the page for it to update. It doesn't update automatically.

    1 Confirmation Received

    There is now a timestamp and a block number! 💵


    As time passes more confirmations will accumulate. You can check on the confirmations again at the end of the lab to show yourself this (Given enough time has passed for one or more additional confirmation(s) to occur).

Returning Bitcoins

Since you are feeling charitable you decide to transfer your testnet value back to the faucet's address.

  1. Go back to the faucet site and get its bitcoin address

    Faucet Address


    This address is here for easy copy and paste (ensure this matches what the application shows in the browser before using this, as the bitcoin address they use for returning funds changes occasionally):

  2. Send bitcoins to faucet using Send section of wallet

    Send Bitcoins to Faucet

  3. Once sent you will see the Signed transaction information filled out on your wallet page.

    Bitcoins Sent Back to Faucet

  4. You can go back to the bitcoin faucet site and see the transaction as green there with a sender of your address and a transaction ID matching the one you sent.

    Bitcoins returned to faucet

  5. You can view both the initial received transaction and the newly sent transaction in the History tab of your bitcoin wallet.


    You have to keep reloading the page for it to update with new confirmations.


    If you wait long enough, eventually these transactions will gain confirmations as in the picture below

    Both transactions with 1 confirmation

  6. You can continue to play around with the electrum wallet before moving on.



You have participated in the bitcoin testnet using a securely built electrum bitcoin wallet powered by a Hyper Protect Virtual Server. Congratulations!!!


Now, it's time to clean up...

Last update: June 13, 2023
Created: June 22, 2020