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Securely Build your Application

Export Variables set in previous sections to current terminal session

Source bashrc to set necessary variables if unset

source "${HOME}/.bashrc"

Create repository registration GPG signing key


This section creates the Repository Registration Signing Key referenced in the key table. The GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) utility (a free implementation of the OpenPGP standard or PGP) generates this key pair (protected by a user defined password) and then exports the public and private keys to files in the ${SB_DIR}/registration_keys/ directory. Later, you will employ these keys to sign a registration file for your securely built image to register it with your Hyper Protect Virtual Servers appliance such that only the holder of the private key can change the registered repository on the Hyper Protect Virtual Servers appliance.

  1. Set key name

    export keyName="secure_bitcoin_key${RANDOM}"


    ${RANDOM} stores a pseudo-random number to use since GPG keys on a system must each have a unique key name (uid). This will make sure users can safely re-run commands for multiple runs if they so choose.

  2. Set key passphrase

    export passphrase="your_passphrase"
    export passphrase="most_secure_pw_i_could_think_of"
  3. Create directory to store Docker repository registration signing key material

    mkdir -p "${SB_DIR}/registration_keys"
  4. Create Key Definition

    cat > "${SB_DIR}/registration_keys/${keyName}_definition_keys" <<EOF
    %echo Generating registration definition key
    Key-Type: RSA
    Key-Length: 4096
    Subkey-Type: RSA
    Subkey-Length: 4096
    Name-Real: ${keyName}
    Expire-Date: 0
    Passphrase: ${passphrase}
    # Do a commit here, so that we can later print "done" :-)
    %echo done
  5. Generate Key pair

    gpg --armor --batch \
    --generate-key "${SB_DIR}/registration_keys/${keyName}_definition_keys"
    Example Output
    gpg: directory '/home/multiarch-lab/.gnupg' created
    gpg: keybox '/home/multiarch-lab/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created
    gpg: Generating registration definition key
    gpg: /home/multiarch-lab/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
    gpg: key 7E05CE05DFEBA2BC marked as ultimately trusted
    gpg: directory '/home/multiarch-lab/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d' created
    gpg: revocation certificate stored as '/home/multiarch-lab/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/27FB55DC5F7FDF0598C9B1007E05CE05DFEBA2BC.rev'
    gpg: done
  6. Export Private key

    gpg --armor --pinentry-mode=loopback --passphrase  "${passphrase}" \
    --export-secret-keys "${keyName}" > "${SB_DIR}/registration_keys/${keyName}.private"
  7. Export Public key

    gpg --armor --export ${keyName} > "${SB_DIR}/registration_keys/${keyName}.pub"
  8. List newly generated key files

     ls ${SB_DIR}/registration_keys/
    Example Output
    secure_bitcoin_key7750_definition_keys  secure_bitcoin_key7750.private

Set Build Configuration

  1. Set Secure Build Lab IP Address

    export SB_IP=
  2. Save Secure Build Lab IP Address for later use

    echo "export SB_IP='${SB_IP}'" >> "${HOME}/.bashrc"
  3. Set Secure Build GitHub repository

    export GH_REPO=""
  4. Set Docker Image Name

    export IMAGE_NAME="hpvs_bc"
  5. Set repository registration name

  6. Save repository registration name for later use

    echo "export REPO_ID='${REPO_ID}'" >> "${HOME}/.bashrc"
  7. Create config file

    cat > "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml" <<EOF
            url: 'https://${SB_IP}'
            port: '${SB_PORT}'
            cert_path: '${SB_DIR}/sbs_keys/client_cert.pem'
            key_path: '${SB_DIR}/sbs_keys/client-key.pem'
            ca_cert_path: '${SB_DIR}/sbs_keys/ca.pem'
            id: '${REPO_ID}'
            url: '${GH_REPO}'
            branch: 'master'
            ssh_private_key_path: '${GITHUB_SSH_KEY}'
            recurse_submodules: 'False'
            dockerfile_path: './Dockerfile'
            docker_build_path: './'
            push_server: '${REGISTRY_NAME}'
            #base_server: '${REGISTRY_NAME}'
            pull_server: '${REGISTRY_NAME}'
            repo: '${DOCKER_USERNAME}/${IMAGE_NAME}'
            image_tag_prefix: 'latest'
            content_trust_base: 'False'
        # You would enter environment variables that you want to use in your application container in the whitelist array.
        #    whitelist: []
        # You would enter build parameters such as build args you want to use in your application container
        #    args: { 'ARG1' : 'VALUE1' }
            private_key_path: '${SB_DIR}/registration_keys/${keyName}.private'
            public_key_path: '${SB_DIR}/registration_keys/${keyName}.pub'
  8. Continue to the Build Application section if you are launching secure build for the first time or the Troubleshooting Secure Build section if things didn't go as planned your first go-round and you are trying to get back on the right track.

Build Application


In this section, you finally use all of your configuration information to build your application securely over TLS by connecting to the secure build server you deployed in the previous part of the lab with the Secure Build Server Client Certificate and Key. This build securely updates the application using Docker Content Trust, an implementation of The Update Framework. This involves securely signing a series of metadata files with corresponding keys (Root Key, Image Signing "Targets" Key, Snapshot Key, and Timestamp Key referenced in the key table) and pushing this trust metadata to a Notary Server to provide assurances regarding the integrity of the Docker Images when users pull them to run in their environments. This conforms to The Update Framework Specification

Additionally, this process generates a Manifest Signing Key which it employs to sign the contents of the build for attestation of the build contents by internal and/or third party auditors. The Manifest Signing Key is discussed in more detail in the Verify your application section later in the lab.

  1. Initialize Secure Build Hyper Protect Virtual Server with configuration file generated in the Set Build Configuration section

    hpvs sb init --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml"

    Example Output

  2. Launch secure build with a timeout of 20 minutes to complete using the configuration file generated in the Set Build Configuration section

    hpvs sb build \
    --timeout 20 \
    --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml"


    The following build will take anywhere from 15-20 minutes to complete. While this is ongoing, you should open a new tab in your terminal to check the automatically updating logs and build status (steps for doing this are detailed in the next few steps). If this command times out please check the status as in step 4 to make sure nothing went wrong. It might just be that your build took too long and everything will be ok. If something did go wrong, visit the Troubleshooting Secure Build section.


    The secure build is asynchronous so if the command gets interrupted here don't worry! 😁

    Example Output after running 15-20 minutes to completion
    | status | OK: async build started |
    | root_ssh_enabled    | false                                                                                      |
    | status              | success                                                                                    |
    | build_name          |                     |
    | image_tag           | latest-b3416d8                                                                             |
    | manifest_key_gen    | soft_crypto                                                                                |
    | manifest_public_key | |
  3. Please look at the logs in another terminal window while the secure build is running (don't interrupt the current terminal window which is waiting for the secure build)

    hpvs sb log --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml"
    Example Truncated Output
    2020-06-23 05:25:42,453  root       INFO    starting a build
    2020-06-23 05:25:42,454  root       INFO    cleaning up the local github repo and the github access credential
    2020-06-23 05:25:42,454  root       INFO    github_dir=secure-bitcoin-wallet
    2020-06-23 05:25:42,454  root       INFO    cloning a github repo
    2020-06-23 05:25:42,454  root       INFO
    2020-06-23 05:25:42,454  root       INFO    cmd=ssh-keyscan
    2020-06-23 05:25:47,659  root       INFO    # SSH-2.0-babeld-7c96ae41
    # SSH-2.0-babeld-b6072416
    # SSH-2.0-babeld-b6072416 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq2A7hRGmdnm9tUDbO9IDSwBK6TbQa+PXYPCPy6rbTrTtw7PHkccKrpp0yVhp5HdEIcKr6pL
  4. You can also look at the secure build status in another window. This can be useful if you accidentally interrupted the secure build command or it times out due to the timeout not being long enough. It will also fill out the additional fields that are initially blank when the build completes (such as build_name and manifest_public_key, etc.).

    hpvs sb status --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml"
    Example Output
    | build_name          |               |
    | image_tag           |               |
    | manifest_key_gen    |               |
    | manifest_public_key |               |
    | root_ssh_enabled    | false         |
    | status              | github cloned |

    If you see an error in your status

    If you see that your build ran into an error please visit the Troubleshooting Secure Build section

  5. You can continue to check the logs to monitor the progress of your secure build with the previous logs command

    hpvs sb log --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml"
  6. When the secure build successfully completes, it will have ending logs similar to the following:

    Example Output
    2022-04-26 18:09:28,843  root       INFO    run: latest: digest: sha256:45cd2d06a2ef978cf1ae60b58833689ff2af1aff0b3d6aa2e69ea83378f6f22d size: 5549
    2022-04-26 18:09:28,843  root       INFO    run: Signing and pushing trust metadata
    2022-04-26 18:09:29,656  root       INFO    run: Successfully signed
    2022-04-26 18:09:29,661  root       INFO    run: return code = 0
    2022-04-26 18:09:29,662  root       INFO    extracting an image keyid and key
    2022-04-26 18:09:29,663  root       INFO    keyid=2092f4e8a72ab297e94a05c18a1ad5b558b9cdee3531018752cd23e238c02889
    2022-04-26 18:09:29,663  root       INFO    generating a config file
    2022-04-26 18:09:29,664  root       INFO    create_and_push: SoftCrypto
    2022-04-26 18:09:30,627  root       INFO    digest=7b997311130b0b0984e1b7cabd45e7b4a5461337d52dcb1b99be26849d7172d9
    2022-04-26 18:09:30,627  root       INFO    block_size=64
    2022-04-26 18:09:30,648  root       INFO    digest=7b997311130b0b0984e1b7cabd45e7b4a5461337d52dcb1b99be26849d7172d9
    2022-04-26 18:09:30,650  root       INFO    signature=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
    2022-04-26 18:09:30,650  root       INFO    verify=OK
    2022-04-26 18:09:31,049  root       WARNING undefined MANIFEST_BUCKET_NAME
    2022-04-26 18:09:31,049  root       WARNING skipping transferring a manifest to COS
    2022-04-26 18:09:31,049  root       INFO    cleaning up the build environment
    2022-04-26 18:09:31,049  root       INFO    github_dir=secure-bitcoin-wallet
    2022-04-26 18:09:31,110  root       INFO    completed a build
  7. When the secure build successfully completes, you can check the status again to see a status of success.

    hpvs sb status --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml"
    Example Output
    | manifest_public_key | |
    | root_ssh_enabled    | false                                                                                    |
    | status              | success                                                                                  |
    | build_name          |                     |
    | image_tag           | latest-941893e                                                                           |
    | manifest_key_gen    | soft_crypto                                                                              |

    If you see an error in your status

    If you see that your build ran into an error please visit the Troubleshooting Secure Build section

  8. From the original terminal window, where you ran hpvs sb init, output the repository registration file.

    echo "${passphrase}" | hpvs sb regfile \
    --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml" \
    --out "${SB_DIR}/yaml.${REPO_ID}.enc"
    Example Output
    Enter Signing Private key passphrase:


    The echo command takes care of the passphrase so you don't need to enter it manually.


    If you run this command from a terminal window where you did not set the passphrase environment variable you will get an error saying openpgp: invalid data: private key checksum failure. You can also check to make sure you are in the right terminal window by running echo "${passphrase}" and the output should be the passphrase you set in the beginning of the "Create repository registration GPG signing key" section.

Troubleshooting Secure Build

Troubleshooting Instructions

If your build completed successfully, feel free to SKIP this section 😄

If your build failed continue for instructions on how to find the happy path yet again.

If at any point you see an error in the status command you will need to restart your build with the following steps.

  1. If the secure build command is still running in its own window please interrupt it with ctrl + c
  2. Check the logs for more error information using:
    hpvs sb log --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml"
  3. Correct whatever information was incorrect and go back through the steps in the Set Build Configuration section
  4. Clean up the data (i.e. logs) from the old build with:
    hpvs sb clean --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml"
  5. Update the secure build server with the new configuration
    hpvs sb update --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml"
  6. Continue onward like you just initialized your build server (You did ... just for another time 😁) at Step 2 in the Build Application Section


The next command you should run will be hpvs sb build (Step 2 in the Build Application Section)

Verify your application


On the secure build server, the .tbz manifest file was hashed and then signed by the Manifest Signing Key referenced in the key table which only exists on the server (inside its secure environment). In steps 1-11 below, you are using the matching public key you will receive from the secure build server (using a secure TLS connection) in step 4 to "undo" this signature to reveal the original hash of the file. We then compare this hash to the hash of the file we have using the verify command in step 11. Verification OK means they are the same, implying that the .tbz file we have now was the same one that was signed by the manifest private key inside the safe confines of the secure build server.

  1. Create directories for your manifest file information and change into your new manifest directory.

    mkdir -p "${SB_DIR}/manifest/manifest_files" && cd "${SB_DIR}/manifest"
  2. Save the build name from the status command as a variable

    export BUILD_NAME="$(hpvs sb status --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml" \
    | grep build_name | egrep -ow 'docker.*[[:digit:]]')" && echo "${BUILD_NAME}"
    Example Output
  3. Get your application manifest

    hpvs sb manifest --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml" --name "${BUILD_NAME}"
  4. Get your manifest public verification key

    hpvs sb pubkey --config "${SB_DIR}/sb_config.yaml" --name "${BUILD_NAME}"


    Connections to the secure build server are secured using mutual TLS. This means that proper certificates and keys have to be used on the client side to access these files (as well as when doing the previous secure build commands). This adds a layer of security to make sure that the public key and manifest files are authentic and securely distributed.

  5. Check that your application manifest and signing key were retrieved

    Example Output
  6. Set MANIFEST to point to your manifest files.

    export MANIFEST="${SB_DIR}/manifest/manifest.${BUILD_NAME}"
  7. Set MAN_PUBKEY to point to your manifest public key.

    export MAN_PUBKEY="${SB_DIR}/manifest/${BUILD_NAME}-public.pem"
  8. Untar and unzip the manifest .sig.tbz file to reveal the .sig and .tbz files (and remove the original .sig.tbz)

    tar -xjvf "${MANIFEST}.sig.tbz" && rm "${MANIFEST}.sig.tbz"
    Example Output


    The .sig.tbz was a tarball compressed using bzip2 compression of both a nested .tbz file (containing the manifest files) and a .sig file containing a signature of the nested .tbz to verify it with the public key retrieved using the hpvs sb pubkey command above saved in the file referenced by MAN_PUBKEY.

  9. Convert the signature file to binary format

    cat "${MANIFEST}.sig" | xxd -r -p > "${MANIFEST}.sig.bin"
  10. Hash (SHA256) the manifest .tbz file (containing the manifest files)

    openssl dgst -sha256 -binary -out "${MANIFEST}.tbz.sha256" "${MANIFEST}.tbz"
  11. Verify that the .tbz manifest package was the one signed on the secure build server.

    openssl dgst -sha256 -verify "${MAN_PUBKEY}" \
    -signature "${MANIFEST}.sig.bin" "${MANIFEST}.tbz.sha256"
    Verified OK


    In this case, we are double hashing the .tbz file on the signature side which is why we hash the .tbz before the verify command here.

  12. Untar and unzip the manifest .tbz file into the manifest_files directory.

    tar -xjf "${MANIFEST}.tbz" -C "${SB_DIR}/manifest/manifest_files"
  13. Change into the manifest_files directory with your manifest files and view the files in the directory.

    cd "${SB_DIR}/manifest/manifest_files" && ls
    Example Output
    data  git  root_ssh

    Manifest explanation

    This manifest package contains three directories as shown above. The data directory contains the build.json (containing the build status of the directory updated after the image was pushed to its Docker Registry) and build.log (containing the logs from the secure build). The git directory contains the source code used for the build (cloned from git). Finally, the root_ssh directory contains any ssh material provided (if the user chose to use ssh) which is empty for us because we didn't enable ssh and provide ssh keys. This way no one can ssh into our secure build container.

  14. What does this give me?

    This gives you a way to see the collection of files used for your build at the time of the build and signed by the manifest private key which is secured in your secure build container. By retrieving the public key and verifying the signature of the package we and auditors can verify what was used for our secure image build. (Since the private key was generated in the secure build server we can trust it). This gives us verification of what was used in the build as well as the verification of the images themselves we get from Docker Content Trust.


    The secure build server also generates the keys for Docker Content Trust and stores them safely to provide a secure root of trust.

    Remember the secure build server is running as a Hyper Protect Virtual Server and thus inherits all of the security features and assurances of Hyper Protect Virtual Servers.


Congratulations!!! 🎉

You have securely built your application and are ready to deploy it into a Hyper Protect Virtual Server in the next section.

Last update: June 13, 2023
Created: June 20, 2020