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Deploy your Securely Built Application as a Hyper Protect Virtual Server

Export Variables set in previous sections to current terminal session

Source bashrc to set necessary variables if unset

source "${HOME}/.bashrc"

Set up your Docker Image Repository

  1. Register your repository

    hpvs repository register \
    --pgp="${SB_DIR}/yaml.${REPO_ID}.enc" \
    Example Output
    | repository name | |
    | runtime         | runq                         |
  2. View your newly registered repository

    hpvs repository show --id "${REPO_ID}"
    Example Output
    | repository name | |
    | runtime         | runq                         |

Set up your Quotagroup for storage

  1. Create Quotagroup

    hpvs quotagroup create --name="${REPO_ID}" --size=5GB
    Example Output
    | PROPERTIES  | VALUES              |
    | Name        | hpvs_bc_a_00        |
    | Filesystem  | btrfs               |
    | Passthrough | false               |
    | PoolID      | lv_data_pool        |
    | Size        | 5 GB                |
    | Containers  |                     |
    | Available   | 4 GB                |
  2. View your newly created quotagroup

    hpvs quotagroup show --name "${REPO_ID}"
    Example Output
    | PROPERTIES  | VALUES              |
    | Name        | hpvs_bc_a_00        |
    | Filesystem  | btrfs               |
    | Passthrough | false               |
    | PoolID      | lv_data_pool        |
    | Size        | 5 GB                |
    | Containers  |                     |
    | Available   | 4 GB                |

Deploy your Application

  1. Set App port

    export APP_PORT=301${HPVS_NUMBER}
  2. Create your Hyper Protect Virtual Server

    hpvs vs create --name=${REPO_ID} --repo ${REPO_ID} \
    --tag latest --cpu 2 --ram 2048 \
    --quotagroup "{quotagroup = ${REPO_ID}, mountid = new, mount = /newroot, filesystem = btrfs, size = 4GB}" \
    --ports "{containerport = 443, protocol = tcp, hostport = ${APP_PORT}}"
    Example Output
    | PROPERTIES  | VALUES                       |
    | Name        | hpvs_bc_a_00                 |
    | CPU         | 2                            |
    | Memory      | 2048                         |
    | State       | running                      |
    | Status      | Up Less than a second        |
    | Networks    | Gateway:           |
    |             | IPAddress:         |
    |             | MacAddress:02:42:ac:1f:00:06 |
    |             | Network:bridge               |
    |             | Subnet:16                    |
    | Ports       | GuestPort:30100              |
    |             | LocalPort:443/tcp            |
    | Quotagroups | [hpvs_bc_a_00]               |
  3. Check on the Quotagroup (and see the application is indeed using it)

    hpvs quotagroup show --name "${REPO_ID}"
    Example Output
    | PROPERTIES  | VALUES                             |
    | Name        | hpvs_bc_a_00                       |
    | Filesystem  | btrfs                              |
    | Passthrough | false                              |
    | PoolID      | lv_data_pool                       |
    | Size        | 5 GB                               |
    | Containers  | container_name:hpvs_a_00           |
    |             | mount_ids:[new]                    |
    | Available   | 751 MB                             |

    We can see the Hyper Protect Virtual Server for our application is now taking up the majority of our Quotagroup.

  4. If you ever need to check the Hyper Protect Virtual Server you can use the show command

    hpvs vs show --name=${REPO_ID}
    Example Output
    | PROPERTIES  | VALUES                       |
    | Name        | hpvs_bc_a_00                 |
    | CPU         | 2                            |
    | Memory      | 2048                         |
    | State       | running                      |
    | Status      | Up 5 minutes                 |
    | Networks    | IPAddress:         |
    |             | MacAddress:02:42:ac:1f:00:06 |
    |             | Network:bridge               |
    |             | Subnet:16                    |
    |             | Gateway:           |
    | Ports       | GuestPort:30100              |
    |             | LocalPort:443/tcp            |
    | Quotagroups | [hpvs_bc_a_00]               |

Access your application

Run the following command to print the address for your electrum wallet application:

echo "https://${SB_IP}:${APP_PORT}/electrum"
Example Output

Your app is now up and running at the address printed in your terminal!


You can visit the IP address easily by right-clicking on the link (wih the line under it) in your terminal and selecting Open Link Open Link


This application uses self-signed certificates so don't worry about the certificate warning you'll need to accept in your browser. Just click Advanced and then Accept the Risk and Continue 😄 Accept Risk

In the final part of this lab you will use your newly built application...

Last update: August 29, 2023
Created: June 20, 2020