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Configuring your Environment

Explore the Hyper Protect Virtual Servers command line interface (CLI)


In this lab, we will use the Hyper Protect Virtual Servers CLI (hpvs command) to interact with our Hyper Protect Virtual Servers Hosting Appliance in order to perform the various actions necessary for the Secure Build. Below is a quick introduction to the commands available through this CLI.

  1. See the different commands you could enter with:

    hpvs --help
    Example Output
    IBM® Hyper Protect Virtual Servers, the evolution of the
    IBM® Secure Service Container for IBM® Cloud Private offering,
    protects Linux workloads on IBM Z and LinuxONE throughout their
    lifecycle build management and deployment.
    This solution delivers the security needed to protect
    mission critical applications in hybrid multi-cloud deployments.
    hpvs [command]
    Available Commands:
    completion  generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
    crypto      Crypto command
    deploy      Deploy command
    help        Help about any command
    host        Host command
    image       Image Command
    network     Network command
    quotagroup  Quotagroup command
    regfile     Generate encrypted repository registration file. If you have already image build on s390x arch
    registry    Registry command
    repository  Repository command
    sb          SecureBuild command
    snapshot    Snapshot command
    undeploy    Undeploy command
    version     Print hpvs version
    vs          Virtual Server command
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
    -h, --help                    Help for hpvs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  2. See more information for the Available Commands listed above with:

    hpvs completion --help
    Example Output
    Generate the autocompletion script for hpvs for the specified shell.
    See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.
    hpvs completion [command]
    Available Commands:
    bash        generate the autocompletion script for bash
    fish        generate the autocompletion script for fish
    powershell  generate the autocompletion script for powershell
    zsh         generate the autocompletion script for zsh
    -h, --help   help for completion
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs completion [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs crypto --help
    Example Output
    List crypto
    hpvs crypto [command]
    Available Commands:
    list        List crypto
    -h, --help          Help for crypto
        --host string   Host LPAR name
        --json          if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs crypto [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs deploy --help
    Example Output
    Deploy virtual servers
    hpvs deploy [flags]
        --config string         YAML configuration file for the virtual server deployment
        --exclude strings       Virtual servers e.g vs1,vs2; to be excluded from
                                deploying, other vs will be included for deployment, by default all
                                vs will be deployed
    -h, --help                  help for deploy
        --include strings       Virtual servers e.g vs1,vs2; to be included for
                                deploying, other vs will be excluded from deployment by default all
                                vs will be deployed
        --templatefile string   YAML resource template file for the virtual server deployment
    -u, --update                If -u is passed virtual server deployment setup gets updated
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    hpvs help --help
    Example Output
    Help provides help for any command in the application.
    Simply type hpvs help [path to command] for full details.
    hpvs help [command] [flags]
    -h, --help   help for help
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    hpvs host --help
    Example Output
    add, delete, update, list, unset, show, set Host
    hpvs host [command]
    Available Commands:
    add         Add host
    delete      Delete host
    list        List host
    set         Set host
    show        Show host
    unset       Unset host
    update      Update host
    -h, --help   Help for host
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs host [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs image --help
    Example Output
    list, delete, show, load, pull Image
    hpvs image [command]
    Available Commands:
    delete      Delete image
    list        List image
    load        Upload image
    pull        Pull image
    show        Show image
    -h, --help          Help for image
        --host string   Host LPAR name
        --json          if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs image [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs network --help
    Example Output
    list, create, update, delete, show Network
    hpvs network [command]
    Available Commands:
    create      Create network
    delete      Delete network
    list        List network
    show        Show network
    update      Update network
    -h, --help          Help for network
        --host string   Host LPAR name
        --json          if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs network [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs quotagroup --help
    Example Output
    create, delete, list, show, update Quotagroup
    hpvs quotagroup [command]
    Available Commands:
    create      Create quotagroup
    delete      Delete quotagroup
    list        List quotagroup
    show        Show quotagroup
    update      Update quotagroup
    -h, --help          Help for quotagroup
        --host string   Host LPAR name
        --json          if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs quotagroup [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs regfile --help
    Example Output
    Generate encrypted repository registration file. If you have already image build on s390x arch
    hpvs regfile [command]
    Available Commands:
    create      Create encrypted repository registration file
    -h, --help   Help for regfile
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs regfile [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs registry --help
    Example Output
    add, delete, update, list, show Registry
    hpvs registry [command]
    Available Commands:
    add         Add registry
    delete      Delete registry
    list        List registry
    show        Show registry
    update      Update registry
    -h, --help   Help for registry
        --json   if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs registry [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs repository --help
    Example Output
    list, register, delete, show, update Repository
    hpvs repository [command]
    Available Commands:
    delete      Delete repository
    list        List repository
    register    Register repository
    show        Show repository
    update      Update repository
    -h, --help          Help for repository
        --host string   Host LPAR name
        --json          if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs repository [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs sb --help
    Example Output
    SecureBuild command
    hpvs sb [command]
    Available Commands:
    build       Securely build your image
    clean       Secure build clean. It will clean vs data eg - logs
    init        Initialize secure build configuration
    log         Get logs
    manifest    Get manifest file
    pubkey      Get manifest public key
    regfile     Get encrypted repository registration file
    status      Get secure build status
    update      Update secure build environment
    -h, --help   Help for sb
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs sb [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs snapshot --help
    Example Output
    list, create, delete, restore Snapshot
    hpvs snapshot [command]
    Available Commands:
    create      Create snapshot
    delete      Delete snapshot
    list        List snapshots
    restore     Restore snapshot
    -h, --help          Help for snapshot
        --host string   Host LPAR name
        --json          if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs snapshot [command] --help" for more information about a command.
    hpvs undeploy --help
    Example Output
    Undeploy virtual servers
    hpvs undeploy [flags]
        --config string     YAML configuration file used for the virtual server deployment
        --exclude strings   Virtual servers e.g vs1,vs2; to be excluded from
                            undeploying, other vs will be included for undeployment, by default all
                            vs will be undeployed
    -h, --help              help for undeploy
        --include strings   Virtual servers e.g vs1,vs2; to be included for
                            undeploying, other vs will be excluded from undeployment by default all
                            vs will be undeployed
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    hpvs version --help
    Example Output
    Print hpvs version
    hpvs version [flags]
    -h, --help   Help for version
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    hpvs vs --help
    Example Output
    create, delete, list, log, restart, show, start, stop VS
    hpvs vs [command]
    Available Commands:
    create      Create virtual server
    delete      Delete virtual server
    list        List virtual servers
    log         Get virtual server log
    restart     Restart virtual server
    show        Show virtual server
    start       Start virtual server
    stop        Stop virtual server
    update      Update virtual server
    -h, --help          Help for vs
        --host string   Host LPAR name
        --json          if --json flag is passed , the output will be in json format
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
    Use "hpvs vs [command] --help" for more information about a command.
  3. You can even dive into the Available Commands of the above commands with another --help 😮

    hpvs sb build --help
    Example Output
    Securely build your image
    hpvs sb build [flags]
        --config string   Config file path
    -h, --help            Help for build
        --timeout int     Build timeout in minutes (default 10)
    Global Flags:
        --debug                   If --debug is passed, it will enable debug logs
        --log-output-dir string   Set log output directory
  4. For further exploration of the Hyper Protect Virtual Servers CLI see the Knowledge Center

Add Docker registry to use for secure build


In this section you will add the details to connect to your Docker Hub Registry so your secure build container can push your securely built images there. Don't worry, your Docker token is safely encrypted on your Skytap Linux VM using the HPVS Registry CLI Encryption Key referenced in the key table.

  1. See your current Docker registries with:

    hpvs registry list
    Example Output
  2. Set your DOCKER_USERNAME to the username for your account on Docker Hub

    export DOCKER_USERNAME="my_username"
    export DOCKER_USERNAME="gmoney23"


    This will be the username you used when you created your Docker Hub account in the Prerequisites

  3. Save your DOCKER_USERNAME to bashrc for later use.

    echo "export DOCKER_USERNAME='${DOCKER_USERNAME}'" >> "${HOME}/.bashrc"
  4. Set your DOCKER_PASSWORD to the token you created for this lab on Docker Hub.

    export DOCKER_PASSWORD="my_docker_token"
    export DOCKER_PASSWORD="123456789"


    This will be the Docker Hub token you created for the lab in the Prerequisites

  5. Check your Docker Hub login credentials with a docker login and do a docker logout to remove unencrypted Docker credentials locally.

    echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login -u ${DOCKER_USERNAME} --password-stdin && docker logout
    Successful login
    WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/hyper-protect-lab/.docker/config.json.
    Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See
    Login Succeeded
    Removing login credentials for
    Failed Login 😞 Please redo this section
    Error response from daemon: Get unauthorized: incorrect username or password
  6. Set your REGISTRY_NAME to a Docker registry placeholder name of your choosing.

    export REGISTRY_NAME="my_registry"
    export REGISTRY_NAME="g_docker_hub"
  7. Save your REGISTRY_NAME to bashrc for future shells (in case you open new terminals)

    echo "export REGISTRY_NAME='${REGISTRY_NAME}'" >> "${HOME}/.bashrc"
  8. Add your Docker registry with:

    echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | hpvs registry add \
    --name "${REGISTRY_NAME}" --dct \
    --url --user "${DOCKER_USERNAME}"
    Example Output
    Enter Password:


    You can ignore the Enter Password: prompt because the command does that for you with the echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | before the hpvs registry add command.

  9. List your registered Docker registries again to confirm your registry has been added.

    hpvs registry list
    Example Output
    | g_docker_hub  |
  10. Check the details of your added registry with

    hpvs registry show --name "${REGISTRY_NAME}"
    Example Output
    | name | g_docker_hub             |
    | user | gmoney23                 |
    | dct  | |
    | url  |                |

Create directory for secure build lab and change directory

  1. Set your secure build directory

    export SB_DIR="$HOME/securebuild-lab"
  2. Save SB_DIR to $HOME/.bashrc for future shells (in case you open new terminals)

    echo "export SB_DIR='${SB_DIR}'" >> "${HOME}/.bashrc"
  3. Create SB_DIR and change into it

    mkdir -p "${SB_DIR}" && cd "${SB_DIR}"

Create SSH Key and Grant GitHub access


This section goes through adding the GitHub SSH Key referenced in the key table to your GitHub account to enable cloning GitHub repositories via SSH for secure builds.

  1. Create GitHub keys directory

    mkdir -p "${SB_DIR}/github_keys"
  2. Set GITHUB_SSH_KEY variable

    export GITHUB_SSH_KEY="${SB_DIR}/github_keys/github_rsa"
  3. Save GITHUB_SSH_KEY variable in bashrc for later use

    echo "export GITHUB_SSH_KEY='${GITHUB_SSH_KEY}'" >> "${HOME}/.bashrc"
  4. Create public and private key for GitHub access

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f "${GITHUB_SSH_KEY}" -N ''
    Example Output
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Your identification has been saved in /home/multiarch-lab/securebuild-lab/github_keys/github_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /home/multiarch-lab/securebuild-lab/github_keys/
    The key fingerprint is:
    SHA256:sbEfCzwyOz/LaZ4jSeKT+Aw7IWUr7YT6m8Hxv9Dq90k multiarch-lab@ubuntu
    The key's randomart image is:
    +---[RSA 4096]----+
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |        o        |
    |  o    . =       |
    | =..  o S .      |
    |+.=o...+ + o     |
    |.=++o++.E o      |
    |. +*+++=++       |
    | .===oo*X+       |
  5. Cat GitHub public key to terminal

    cat "${GITHUB_SSH_KEY}.pub"
    Example Output
    ssh-rsa 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 multiarch-lab@ubuntu
  6. Copy your output (not the Example Output above) to the clipboard with ctrl+c.


    The above copy command (ctrl+c) is saving the .pub public key NOT the private key. You keep the private key and GitHub uses the public key to verify that it is communicating with the owner of the private key (i.e. you).

  7. Add this key to your public GitHub at

    1. Login or confirm your password if prompted

      GitHub login page

    2. Add SSH Key

      Add GitHub SSH Key

    3. See your new SSH key has been added with your chosen title.

      GitHub SSH Key Added


    You created this public GitHub account in the Prerequisites (or already had one).

  8. Scan for GitHub's public key (Done to trust GitHub connection the first time)

    ssh-keyscan -H >> "${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts"

    Example Output

    # SSH-2.0-babeld-4f04c79d
    # SSH-2.0-babeld-4f04c79d
    # SSH-2.0-babeld-4f04c79d
  9. Check that your GitHub key now has access to your account with:

    ssh -T -i "${GITHUB_SSH_KEY}"

    Your key was added successfully

    Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
    Hi siler23! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

    Your key was NOT added 😞 Please redo this section

    Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey).
  10. Feel at ease knowing you will delete this key from your Github account in the cleanup phase of this lab so access will be revoked soon enough ☺

Last update: October 31, 2023
Created: June 18, 2020