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Cloud Native LinuxONE Workshop

Welcome to our Cloud Native LinuxONE workshop. Developers can leverage OpenShift to create continuous integration pipelines for Linux® workloads on IBM Z® and LinuxONE. You can quickly get up and running on OpenShift with a continuous workflow.


Introductory Presentations

  • 12:00 - 12:30pm ET - Introduction to Kubernetes and OpenShift
  • 12:30pm - 1:00pm - Introduction to Cloud Native DevSecOps

Lab: Build and Deploy a Cloud Native DevOps Pipeline in OpenShift on IBM Z and LinuxONE


  • Thanks to the following contributors:

    • Chee Yee for setting up the LinuxONE Community Cloud for the OpenShift Pipelines workflow

    • The spring developers for creating the petclinic demo and the redhat-developer-demos for sharing the spring-petclinic version of sample application we started with

Key Contributors

Workshop authors

  1. For the purposes of this lab, you are fulfilling the requirements of a fictional organization. These requirements could change for your specific organization but would follow a similar pattern with different specifics. 

Last update: September 20, 2023
Created: April 13, 2021